Carlyn Halde Latin American Student Travel Award

This travel award, administered by ASM in collaboration with the Medical Mycological Society of the Americas (MMSA), supports the travel of a student medical microbiologist from Latin America, Puerto Rico or the Caribbean to participate in ASM Microbe. This award is funded by an endowment from longtime ASM and MMSA member Dr. Carlyn Halde. The awardee will attend the MMSA meeting and dinner held in conjunction with ASM Microbe. The recipient will also be asked to give a short talk on medical mycology at his or her institution.

Program Details

The award grants up to $1,200 to defray expenses associated with travel to ASM Microbe. Allowable expenses are meeting registration, roundtrip economy airfare and lodging. If the cost of the travel and registration is under $1,200, the remaining funds may be used to cover other expenses related to meeting attendance.


To qualify for consideration the applicant must be:

  • A current ASM member at the time of ASM Microbe.
  • A medical microbiology undergraduate student, graduate student or Ph.D. or M.D. from Latin America, Puerto Rico or the Caribbean.
  • A presenting author accepted to present an abstract in the designated tracks at ASM Microbe.

Please Note: applications are to be submitted prior to knowing whether your abstract has been accepted for ASM Microbe.

Submission Requirements To Be Considered For a Travel Award

  • Abstract must be accepted.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) including research, teaching, outreach and funding information provided.
  • Letter of nomination written by a professor, advisor, mentor, employer or director of the department provided.
  • Note: CV, letter of nomination and any additional documentation must be combined into 1 uploaded document (PDF preferred).


General abstract submissions and travel award applications for ASM Microbe 2024 closed in Jan. 2024.