Continuing Education Information
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Program Overview
The ASM Clinical Virology Symposium (ASM CVS) brings together top biomedical scientists, physicians and laboratorians to discuss the latest in diagnostic virology, vaccine development, molecular diagnostics and more. Attendees of ASM CVS 2024 will be able to claim up to 15.5 credit hours of P.A.C.E.®/CA-CE/FL-CE to earn or maintain their certifications. Search the Itinerary Planner to find sessions offering continuing education credit hours. Sessions will cover current trends in the following topics:- Respiratory viruses (RSV, Influenza A & B, parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, 4, metapneumoviruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses [annual coronaviruses (OC43, 229E, HKU1, NL63), SARS-CoV, MERS and SARS-CoV-2].
- Herpesviruses (HSV 1, HSV 2, CMV, EBV, VZV, HHV 6, 7, & 8), human polyomaviruses and papillomaviruses.
- Enteroviruses and parechoviruses, measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, parvovirus B19.
- Global viruses (dengue, chikungunya, Ebola, Zika, Japanese encephalitis virus, etc.)
- HIV, hepatitis viruses (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV), HTLV-I/II.
- Gastrointestinal viruses (rotavirus, norovirus, sapovirus, astrovirus, adenoviruses 40/41)
Methods. - Miscellaneous (e.g. non-virus abstracts).
Target Audience
ASM CVS 2024 is intended for physicians, laboratory directors, laboratory professionals, technicians, laboratory supervisors, technologists and other health care professionals with an interest in the latest developments in clinical and diagnostic virology.
Statement of Need
ASM CVS 2024 will provide a forum for the meaningful exchange of ideas dealing with viral infections and is led by biomedical scientists engaged in research and primary care physicians and laboratorians involved with patient care. The relationship between rapid viral diagnosis, the clinical course of viral infections and preventive and therapeutic modalities for viral infections is the theme of this 3.5-day meeting. Discussion of timely topics by renowned scientists assures that this symposium will be informative and interesting. Furthermore, newly acquired information about clinically relevant viral infections will be useful to practicing physicians who can apply this knowledge in a clinical setting.
Educational Activity Learning Objectives
Upon completion of sessions with available credit, learners should be able to:
- Articulate the pathogenesis of viral diseases and the biology of the viruses that cause them.
- Develop an improved ability to perform and interpret diagnostic virology tests.
- Apply methods of antiviral therapies and vaccination strategies.
Credit Claiming Process
Credit Designation
Attendees of ASM CVS 2024 will be able to claim up to 15.5 credit hours of the following continuing education credit types:- Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®).
- California Clinical Laboratory Personnel (CA-CE).
- Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel (FL-CE).
Please note:
- P.A.C.E.®/CA-CE/FL-CE is available for live content only. On-demand viewing (recorded content) will not be offered for ASM CVS 2024 in any capacity.
- Available credit types have different claiming windows. Reference the dates below to ensure the appropriate steps are completed for each type to claim credit.
- When reviewing sessions in the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner, look for the "Credit Hours Available" in the left column to confirm if continuing education credit hours are being offered. Those sessions without this listed will not offer credit hours.
Dates & Credit Types
Monday, Oct. 7, 2024—Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024
Monday, Oct. 14, 2024—Friday, March 28, 2025
- CA-CE & FL-CE (All credit hours will be claimed on-site at ASM CVS 2024 and reported by ASM to the appropriate accrediting bodies—credit claiming will be unavailable after the meeting).
Monday, Oct. 14, 2024—Friday, March 28, 2025
- P.A.C.E.®
Method of Participation & How to Receive Credit
- You must attend the sessions on-site in Long Beach, Calif. that you want to claim P.A.C.E.®, CA-CE, and/or FL-CE credit hours for.
- If you are claiming CA-CE or FL-CE credit hours, you must sign in before each session you attend on-site to be awarded credit. Outside of each session room at ASM CVS 2024, there will be a QR code available to scan. After scanning, you will be asked to fill out a short form. From the provided drop-down list, select the session name you are attending, and include your full name and California or Florida license number. The form must be fully completed for each session attended. Credit hours will not be reported for incomplete or missing sessions.
- P.A.C.E.® credit hours will be available for claiming via the ‘My Credit Cart’ in the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner. The ‘My Credit Cart’ link will be accessible beginning Monday, Oct. 14, 2024. Once available, complete the individual session evaluations for all sessions for which you want to claim P.A.C.E.® credit. Then, generate and download the corresponding certificate to submit your claim for continuing education credit hours to ASM to be reported.
Credit Documentation/Reporting
If you are requesting P.A.C.E.® credit hours, then upon completing all individual session evaluations and downloading your P.A.C.E.® certificate in ‘My Credit Cart’ in the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner, ASM will report your claimed credit hours to the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.
If you are requesting CA-CE credit hours, ASM will report all properly claimed credit hours from the QR code sign-in forms to the California Department of Health (CDPH). To receive your CA-CE certificate, you will need to add all relevant sessions to your itinerary within the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner and complete all individual session evaluations in ‘My Credit Cart.' Then, download your California Clinical Laboratory Personnel Certificate.
If you are requesting CA-CE credit hours, ASM will report all properly claimed credit hours from the QR code sign-in forms to the California Department of Health (CDPH). To receive your CA-CE certificate, you will need to add all relevant sessions to your itinerary within the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner and complete all individual session evaluations in ‘My Credit Cart.' Then, download your California Clinical Laboratory Personnel Certificate.
- Note: This certificate is for your records only. The hours reported to the CDPH are calculated from the QR code sign-in forms on-site and cannot be altered.
- Note: This certificate is for your records only. The hours reported to the FDPH are calculated from the QR code sign-in forms on-site and cannot be altered.
Accredited Provider Information

P.A.C.E ® Credit
Diplomats and registrants may claim 15.5 P.A.C.E.®, CA-CE, and/or FL-CE credit hours toward recertification. Professionals should claim credit commensurate with their level of participation in the activity.
The American Society for Microbiology is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program. Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®) is an administrative system established to stimulate and serve as the quality assurance mechanism for continuing education programs offered to clinical laboratory professionals by ASCLS constituent societies, laboratory industry, government agencies, hospitals and educational organizations.
The American Society for Microbiology is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program. Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®) is an administrative system established to stimulate and serve as the quality assurance mechanism for continuing education programs offered to clinical laboratory professionals by ASCLS constituent societies, laboratory industry, government agencies, hospitals and educational organizations.
California Clinical Laboratory Personnel
The American Society for Microbiology is accredited by the California Department of Health to offer continuing education for California Clinical Laboratory Personnel. All sessions designated for P.A.C.E.® credits will also qualify for California CE credit hours toward license renewal.
Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel
The American Society for Microbiology is accredited by the California Department of Health to offer continuing education for California Clinical Laboratory Personnel. All sessions designated for P.A.C.E.® credits will also qualify for California CE credit hours toward license renewal.
All other healthcare professionals completing this course will be issued a statement of participation.
All other healthcare professionals completing this course will be issued a statement of participation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What continuing education credit types are available to claim at ASM CVS 2024?
- Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®).
- California Clinical Laboratory Personnel (CA-CE).
- Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel (FL-CE).
Where can I get my certificates for continuing education credits or for general participation?
Attendees of ASM CVS 2024 will be able to self-generate the following continuing education certificates and general participation certificates within their ‘My Credit Cart’ housed in the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner:
- Certificate of Poster Presentation.
- Certificate of Attendance.
- Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®) Certificate.
- California Clinical Laboratory Personnel (CA-CE) Certificate.
- Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel (FL-CE) Certificate.
How long do I have to claim credit hours for the sessions I attended at ASM CVS 2024?
Claiming credit hours and generating certificates will be available via the ‘My Credit Cart’ in the ASM CVS 2024 Itinerary Planner beginning Monday, Oct. 14, 2024.
Available credit types have different claiming windows. Reference the dates below to ensure the appropriate steps are completed for each type to claim credit:
Monday, Oct. 7, 2024—Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024
Available credit types have different claiming windows. Reference the dates below to ensure the appropriate steps are completed for each type to claim credit:
Monday, Oct. 7, 2024—Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024
- CA-CE & FL-CE (All credit hours will be claimed on-site at ASM CVS 2024 and reported by ASM to the appropriate accrediting bodies—credit claiming will be unavailable after the meeting).
- P.A.C.E.®.
What continuing education credit types are available to claim at ASM CVS 2024?
- Professional Acknowledgment for Continuing Education (P.A.C.E.®).
- California Clinical Laboratory Personnel (CA-CE).
- Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel (FL-CE).
What if I have additional questions?
If you are claiming P.A.C.E.®, CA-CE, or FL-CE credit hours and have any questions about this activity, please contact ASM at
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