Jennifer Glass, Ph.D.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Jennifer Glass was born and raised in Olympia, Wash. She earned bachelor’s degrees in Earth Sciences and Oceanography from the University of Washington, where she first became interested in methane clathrates and astrobiology. She earned a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from Arizona State University and completed a NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Fellowship at California Institute of Technology.
Today, she is an associate professor in the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, with a courtesy appointment in Biological Sciences. Her research explores the microbial and geochemical mechanisms underpinning global elemental cycles through Earth's history. She is the director of the Astrobiology Graduate Certificate Program, founder of the Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium and co-creator of the Database of Databases of Diverse Speakers in STEM. She is also on the editorial board of Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Glass teaches classes on environmental science and biogeochemistry and has mentored 5 graduate students, 4 of whom are women, as well as 4 female postdocs and many undergraduate researchers. She is committed to diversifying and democratizing the STEM workforce through open-access science communication. She is also active on Twitter (@methanoJen). She dedicates her 2021 ASM Alice C. Evans Award for Advancement of Women to the many female mentors who helped her to envision a place for herself in science, and she strives to help create a future of equity and inclusion in academia so that all students benefit from that experience.