Microbial Minutes: Immune Amnesia and Extreme Life Edition

Nov. 1, 2019

What's hot in the microbial sciences? ASM summarizes microbiology news and reports in Microbial Minutes, a biweekly news roundup. Watch the YouTube session for summaries and major findings, and read the reports and news coverage for yourself below. What should we highlight next time? Leave a suggestion in our comments section!

Too Extreme for Even the Most Extremophiles

Belilla J et al. Hyperdiverse Archaea near Life Limits at the Polyextreme Geothermal Dallol Area. Nature Ecology & Evolution. October 28 2019.

Measles and Immune Amnesia

Mina MJ et al. Measles Virus Infection Diminishes Pre-existing Antibodies that Offer Protection from Other Pathogens. Science. November 1 2019.

Author: Julie Wolf, Ph.D.

Julie Wolf, Ph.D.
Dr. Julie Wolf is in science communications at Indie Bio, and is a former ASM employee.