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Please note: travel award applications for ASM Microbe 2024 have closed. Information about the travel awards ASM offers is listed below for your consideration for future ASM Microbe events.
ASM is committed to ensuring diversity in science. We offer more than 50 travel awards for students, postdocs and scientists from developing countries to help offset the cost of attending and traveling to the meeting.
How to Get Started
While submitting your abstract, select the awards you would like to apply for and upload any supporting documents.
To be considered, all travel award applications require a letter of nomination and a CV. These documents, along with any additional supporting documents, must be combined into 1 file and uploaded where prompted in the submission site.
Types of Travel Awards
ASM offers the following travel awards. Review award details to confirm your eligibility:
The Richard and Mary Finkelstein Student Travel Award | Amount: $500 per awardee
This award provides support for students attending ASM Microbe.
Awards available: 6
Outstanding Student Presentation Award | Amount: $500 per awardee
Sponsored by ASM and determined by the ASM Microbe Program Committee, these awards highlight outstanding abstracts presented by students, residents or medical/clinical fellows.
Awards available: 8 (1 for each ASM Microbe core track)
ASM Infectious Disease (ID) Travel Award | Amount: $1,000 per awardee
These awards provide financial support for Infectious Disease Fellows to travel to ASM Microbe.
Awards available: 3
ASM Student and Postdoctoral Travel Award | Amount: $1,000 per awardee
The Travel Award Committee selects student and postdoc awardees based on the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts.
Awards available: 16
Carlyn Halde Latin American Student Travel Award | Amount: $1,200
This award supports the travel of a student medical microbiologist from Latin America, Puerto Rico or the Caribbean to ASM Microbe.
Awards available: 1
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Travel Award for Early-Career Scientists | Amount: $4,000
The ASM-FEMS Award supports 1 member from each organization to present their research at the other organization's main conference.
Awards available: 1
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Travel Award for Scientists from Low and Low-Middle Income Countries | Amount varies
Scientists in low- and low-middle-income countries, who would otherwise be unable to attend the ASM Microbe meeting, can receive the funds necessary for travel expenses.
Awards available: 15
Morrison Rogosa Travel Award | Amount: $3,000
The Award is an endowment which honors the contributions to bacteriology and to the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) of Dr. Morrison Rogosa.
Awards available: 1
ASM Minority Travel Award | Amount: Up to $1,250 per awardee
This award supports faculty and postdoctoral scientists from underrepresented minority groups to attend ASM Microbe and serve as a mentor in the ASM Future Leaders Mentorship Fellowship program.
Awards available: 10