What's Hot in the Microbial Sciences - Spring 2022
In this issue, "What's Hot" takes a look at ... groundbreaking research and cutting-edge science pertaining to the impact of climate change on plants and pathogens, how shipwrecks contribute to microbial diversity on the ocean floor, new insights in antimicrobial resistance, how tumor resident microbes contribute to metastasis and so much more!
As the Planet Gets Hotter: Microbes Can Increase Drought Tolerance in Plants
Drought is a significant source of abiotic stress that impacts plant growth and crop production. The threat of warming soil temperatures and a changing climate have only intensified these concerns, but microbes can help!
And the Planet's Water Gets Hotter: Microbes Are Migrating to New Environments as a Result of Warming Temperatures
Nigleria fowleri, also known as the brain-eating ameba, has been detected as far north as the upper-Midwest in the U.S., and scientists think warming temperatures may be to blame.
Why Microbes Cause Earthy Odors After a Rainstorm
You might be surprised to learn that it is microbes, not earthworms, that produce the earthy smell that fills the air after a good rainstorm.
Historic Shipwrecks Form Islands of Microbial Biodiversity on the Seabed
Sunken ships introduce man-made structures and materials that are unnatural to marine environments. However, over time, and with significant help from microbes, these abandoned vessels become artificial reefs teeming with life.
Conserved Bacteria Found in Human Breast Cancer Cells May Contribute to Metastasis
Microbes have been found living inside the tumor cells of a variety of cancer types. However, until recently, little was known about the functional significance of resident microbiota.
Microbes Are Key Drivers of Honeybee and Vulture Bee Health
The gut microbiome is comprised of microbial communities that reside in the digestive tract and are critical to the health and development of host species. Although the gut microbiota of adult bees is highly conserved, diet, stress, physical activity, exposure to pathogens and age have all been shown to influence microbiome function and composition.
New Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance
What do we know about the afterlife of dead bacteria? A recent study found that dead cells can transfer antibiotic resistance genes to live bacteria via horizontal gene transfer.
Dog Behavior Is a Key Factor in the Transmission of Rabies Infections
In what could be considered an astronomical feat, scientists sought to characterize the transmission dynamics allowing rabies virus to continue circulating at low levels in Tanzanian dog populations.
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