American Academy of Microbiology Leadership Call for Volunteers
The American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) is the honorific leadership group within the American Society for Microbiology. The mission of the Academy is to recognize microbiologists for outstanding contributions to microbial sciences and provide microbiological expertise in the service of science and the public. To fulfill its mission, the Academy consists of multiple leadership positions divided into the Academy Governors and 3 distinct subcommittees: (1) the Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee, (2) the Subcommittee on Elections and (3) the Subcommittee on Awards.
The Academy will open a call for volunteers for leadership positions to promote transparency and inclusive diversity with equity, access and accountability in Academy leadership. For the 2025 general Academy Leadership election, the following positions are open for nominations:
- 2 Governor positions representing Division Group 4.
- 1 Governor position representing an international fellow (open to all Division Groups).
- 2 Subcommittee on Elections (SoE) positions representing Division Group 1.
- 1 Subcommittee on Elections (SoE) position representing Division Group 2.
- 1 Subcommittee on Elections (SoE) position representing Division Group 3.
- 1 Subcommittee on Elections (SoE) position representing Division Group 4.
Division Groups are based on your scientific area of interest. You can find and update your Primary & Secondary Division Group on your ASM account under "My Scientific Divisions."
- Set strategic direction for the Academy programs.
- Develop and approve colloquia topics.
- Oversee the fellowship nomination and election process.
- Approve new awards recommended by the Subcommittee on Awards.
- Governors are elected by the fellows of the Academy to serve a 3-year term and are eligible for 1 additional 3-year term.
- Participate in the annual review of Academy fellowship nominations (Oct.-Dec.).
- Review thoroughly and providing comments and scores on the nominees.
- Vote on the final recommendations of the nominees to the Governors.
- Provide feedback to the Governors about the annual fellowship nomination and review process.
- SoE members serve a single 4-year term.
The Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee will oversee the leadership nomination and election process to ensure qualified candidates stand for election each year that represent the diverse expertise, demographics and experiences of the Academy.
Process and Timeline
Fellows in good standing are encouraged to submit an application for open Academy Leadership positions. In their application, nominees are asked to share specific actions they would like to take to advance the microbial sciences and promote excellence in an Academy leadership position. The Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee will review all applications and select a slate of candidates for the 2025 general Academy election. Elected candidates will be announced on March 15, 2025, and begin their term on July 1, 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I nominate myself?
Yes, fellows in good standing are eligible to nominate themselves for leadership positions representing their division group. Self-nominations are aimed to increased the transparency, access and inclusive diversity of the Academy leadership.How do I apply?
All fellows in good standing will receive an email message with a link to an application form on July 1. If you did not receive this message, it may mean you have not paid your Academy and ASM dues for the current year. If you are not sure about your Academy membership status, contact materials are needed in the application?
- Your name, email, institution, demographic information.
- Upload a CV.
- List 2-3 actions you would like to take to advance the microbial sciences and promote excellence in an Academy leadership position. Specify what skills and experiences you have to support you in implementing these ideas. Include your suggestions to promote IDEAA (Inclusive Diversity with Equity, Access & Accountability).
Why are there no openings for my division group this year?
Academy leadership represents the 4 different division groups equally, with 3 Governors representing each division group and 5 SoE members representing each division group. Openings for each division group are not available each year as current positions representing those division groups may be currently filled.
Why should I apply?
Academy leadership sets the Academy's strategic plan and should include the voices of fellows from diverse fields, expertise and backgrounds. Applying for leadership positions is an opportunity to make your voice heard and shape the future of the Academy.Can I nominate my colleagues?
No, that is not allowed. However, if you think your fellow colleagues would be a good fit for a position, please encourage them to apply.I work outside of academia. Am I eligible for Academy leadership?
Microbiologists in all sectors can be considered, including industry, government and public health. Diversity in expertise, sector and background is essential for Academy leadership.What are the review criteria?
- Leadership potential.
- Commitment to service to the microbial science community and ASM and the Academy.
- Commitment to promote, embrace and enhance diversity, equity and inclusion.
What is the eligibility to stand for Academy leadership election?
- Fellow in good standing.
- Must agree to submit information about your demographic information (i.e. gender/race /expertise/ discipline and geographic location).