How to Nominate for ASM Awards and Prize
The ASM Awards and Prize program is managed by the American Academy of Microbiology (Academy), the honorific leadership group within ASM. The mission of the Academy is to recognize microbiologists for outstanding contributions to the microbial sciences and to provide expertise in the service of science and the public. Being nominated and receiving an ASM Award is an honor for any microbiologist as the awards help advance the careers of the awardees and their institutions.
There are 17 ASM Awards to recognize outstanding science at every career level and in every sub-discipline of the microbial sciences. Starting in 2021, ASM offers the ASM Microbiome Data Prize to recognize distinguished research achievements that support open data practices, development of standards and processes for data quality and sharing and data workflows and management best practices that have advanced the microbial sciences. Nominations for the 2025 Awards and Prize cycle are now closed. Nominations for the 2026 Awards and Prize cycle will open in May 2025.
Nomination and Application Timeline

ASM Awards and Prize Nomination Process
To put forward a nominee for an ASM Award or the Microbiome Data Prize, the nominator should take note of the following items to maximize the chance of the nominee being reviewed and selected for the award:
- Self-nominations will not be accepted for ASM Awards (in other words, you cannot nominate yourself for an ASM Award).
- Each nomination requires 1 nominator and 2 supporters. The 2 supporters must not be from the same employment unit (e.g., department, institution, center, company) as the nominee.
- Nominees are highly encouraged to collaborate with the nominator and supporters in preparing the nomination submission.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the nominee is required to complete the nomination. After the nomination form is submitted by the nominator, the nominee will be contacted by ASM and asked to provide a current CV or to enter highlights from their CV on a CV template. Completing the CV template is highly recommended; however, the selection committee will accept either the template or the nominee’s current CV.
- All nominations must be submitted online. The nomination and CV must be received by the deadline.
- Nomination form can be saved, completed and submitted in multiple sittings. However, only submitted nomination forms will be reviewed. Saved forms that were not submitted will be discarded after the deadline.
ASM Prize Application Process
To submit an application for the Microbiome Data Prize, the applicant should take note of the following items to maximize the chance of the application being reviewed and selected for the prize:
- Review the description of the Prize carefully as it has specific requirements.
- Each application requires 2 supporters who are non-funded collaborators. Supporters must submit their letters of support by the deadline for the application to be considered.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)—Applicants will be required to enter highlights from their CVs on the prize application form.
- Applications must be submitted online by the deadline.
- Application form can be saved, completed and submitted in multiple sittings. However, only submitted application forms will be reviewed. Saved forms that were not submitted will be discarded after the deadline.
- Coordinate the nomination with the nominee and supporters.
- Inform the nominee that ASM will request a CV after the nomination form is submitted. Nominees should wait for the notification and instructions from ASM before submitting a CV.
- Complete and submit the online nomination form.
- Submit the nomination form by the set deadline.
Award Nomination Supporters:
- Supporters for Award nominations should not submit a letter or any documentation at the time the nomination is submitted. Supporters will be contacted during the selection process only if the selection committee requires additional information about the nominee.
- If the selection committee requires additional information about the nominee during the review process, a representative of the committee will contact the supporters to request letters of support for the nomination.
- Award supporters provide the selection committee with letters of support or additional information if requested.
Microbiome Prize Supporters:
Starting in 2024, the Microbiome Data Prize will allow nominations for the prize. Both nominations and applications will be accepted.- For nominations of candidates for the ASM Microbiome Data Prize, letters of support are not required at the time the nomination is submitted. If the selection committee requires additional information about the nominee during the review process, a committee representative will contact the supporters to request letters of support for the nomination.
- For applications for the Microbiome Data Prize, 2 letters of support are required during the application process. Once the online application form is submitted, an automated message will be sent to supporters with instructions on how to submit their letters of support. Letters of support for the Microbiome Data Prize must be submitted by the application deadline date.
- Submit current CV or complete a CV template (provided by ASM), when instructed to do so by ASM. ASM will email each nominee to provide submission instructions. Completing the CV template is highly recommended.
- Remind the nominator and supporters of the submission deadline.
Frequently Asked Questions
ASM Awards and Prize FAQsPast Laureates
2024 Award Laureates
Past ASM Award Laureates
ASM thanks the Corporate Council for supporting the ASM Awards Program.
Questions? Contact ASM Awards.