Why the Registry

The urgent nature of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has required ASM to address various challenges that have surfaced during this crisis.

Emerging from the recent Summit organized by the ASM's Council on Microbial Sciences is the need from the scientific community for a one-stop shop of authoritative information of fundamental research on SARS-CoV-2 to encourage rapid scientific discovery and innovation, increasing our chances of defeating the virus and ending the pandemic.  

ASM created the COVID-19 Research Registry in responding to the need of the scientific community,

Under the leadership of Dr. Lynn Enquist, as Curator-in-Chief, Dr. Harold Varmus, as Chief Consultant, and Drs. Rozanne M. Sandri-Goldin and Vaughn Cooper, as Assistant Curators-in-Chief, the team of coronavirus experts will select the top COVID-19 research for the Registry.

This curated database will ensure that researchers and healthcare professionals have an efficient way to find the timeliest and valuable coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2 research from the latest journal articles, preprints and ongoing clinical trials.  This new effort builds upon ASM's current contributions to microbiology research and aims to accelerate scientific research on SARS-CoV-2.

The COVID-19 Research Registry is an essential part of ASM's mission to promote and advance microbial sciences. ASM is uniquely qualified to create this curated registry because of its authoritative position in the field, the broad global reach of its members and programs, and the integration of scientists working in all facets of microbiology, from basic research to clinical applications.